We just picked up a tweet from Amazon letting us know that the Amazon Cyber Monday Deals are online and in limited supply.
We've listed some of the featured Cyber Monday items currently listed for you, just remember these are available in limited quantities and presented below is simply a sampling of the items available. Scroll over any items of interest and price and other pertinent buying information will be displayed for you.
Amazon's Clothing Highlight for Cyber Monday Week include a few savings going through today, Sunday the 29th, only. These include:$5 to $8 off at the Childrens Place Amazon Storefront, $5 scarves and $10 PJ pals at the Disney Store's Amazon Storefront and $5 off character tshirts and hoodies at Ty's ToyBox's Amazon Storefront. You'll also get 50% off sweaters through today and can take $20 off orders of $100 or more from Amazon's new denim shop (they also feature free shipping). Regular priced boots and slippers are being discounted by 30% (also only through today, November 29). Amazon is also running a sale where you'll take an extra 40% off jewelry
Head on over to Amazon.com to check out their Cyber Monday deals or view the condensed summary for all our featured stores over at Centsible's Cyber Monday Deals page.
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Every month we feature a different store at Centsible.net. In February, we are featuring NOVICA at the Deal of the Day Blog. NOVICA is one of many advertisers available on Centsible.net, and one of our newest ones to boot!
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